Economic Forecasts and Investment Guides | Aspen Funds


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Economic Report

Investable Megatrends for the Next Decade

Published October 2023

The smartest, most data-driven investors in the country have their eyes on 3 major global shifts…

One of them is happening in China…
One of them is happening in Eastern Europe…
…and one of them is happening right here on U.S. soil.

All 3 events will impact the U.S. economy for decades to come…

…and provide massive opportunities for investors.

TOP 5 Reasons to Download Your FREE Economic Report
1. China is no longer a hub of inexpensive labor for U.S. and European manufacturers. Companies basing their manufacturing decisions on old data will need to adapt…

2. Political Turmoil has disrupted the supply of much relied-on natural resources historically received from Eastern Europe. A new hub for these natural resources is on the horizon…

3. Covid-19 and other major disruptive events have all but killed “just-in-time” manufacturing – companies look for new strategies to stay profitable in the face of these events…

4. Inventory is king once again and warehouse space has become an absolute essential in today’s economy

5. 350,000 manufacturing jobs (previously outsourced) have returned to U.S. soil this year – this is just the beginning.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long has Aspen Funds been managing funds?

A: Aspen has been managing note funds since 2013. The Aspen Income Fund was started in 2013 and since then we have never missed a preferred return payment, nor have we lost any investor’s principal investment capital.

Q: What is the minimum investment?

A: The minimum investment in Aspen Income Fund is $50,000.

Q: What is the initial lock-up period on this fund?

A: The initial lock-up period for this fund is 1 year. After 1-year we provide best-efforts liquidity and allow investors the option to redeem their shares on a quarterly basis with 90 days written notice.

Q: Is this an open-ended fund?

A: Yes, this fund is open-ended, also known as an evergreen fund. We calculate Net Asset Value (NAV) on a quarterly basis and allow investors to subscribe and redeem at the current share price.

Q: How and when do I receive my preferred returns?

A: Upon initial investment, we have a 3-month delay period (in order to deploy capital). Then, investors will receive their preferred returns monthly either by direct deposit (ACH) or by check.

Q: Is this a passive investment?

A: Yes, investing in the private fund is completely passive. When investing in a private fund, you are leveraging our management company’s experience in this business and participate in a diversified portfolio. Investors receive their monthly preferred return by either wire or check.

Q: How often will I be updated about my investment?

A: On a monthly basis, investors receive their preferred return. Quarterly, we provide capital account statements, investor newsletters, and financial statements. We also always welcome calls from our investors.

Q: Will I own a specific note?

A: If you invest, you become a part owner of the fund versus a specific note. Therefore, your capital is diversified across all the notes in the portfolio.

Q: Do I need to be an accredited investor to invest in the fund?

A: Yes, our funds currently only allow accredited investors.

Q: Can I invest with an IRA or 401K?

A: Yes, our funds allow investment through qualified retirement money. This must be done through a self-directed IRA or 401K. If you don’t yet have a self-directed account, we can make introductions to several custodians that we have worked with.

Q: What is an accredited investor?

A: An individual or an entity can generally qualify as an accredited investor if they meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • an individual with income exceeding $200,000 or joint income with his or her spouse of at least $300,000, in each of the last two years with the expectation to reasonably maintain the same level of income in the present year
  • an individual with a net worth exceeding $1 million, excluding the primary residence, either individually or jointly with his or her spouse;
  • an entity that has assets exceeding $5 million that was not formed solely for the purpose of making the investment; or
  • an entity whose owners all satisfy 1, 2, or 3 above.

For more information about the requirements of an accredited investor, see this bulletin from the SEC.

Watch The Webinar

The Aspen Income Fund Deep Dive webinar covers many topics about the Aspen Income Fund in great details, including:

How to generate consistent income passively

Real examples of real estate notes and how they work

How private investments compare to other asset classes

The keys to conservatively underwriting these assets

Why it's better to be the bank

About Aspen's historical track record


If you have a general inquiry about Aspen Funds, contact us at (800) 940-1510 or fill out the form and one of our representatives will be in touch with you.

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