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Building Wealth Without Wall Street feat. Joey Mure

In this episode, co-hosts Bob Fraser and Ben Fraser sit down with Joey Mure, partner and co-founder of Wealth Without Wall Street, to discuss investing strategies beyond Wall Street. Joey shares his insights on how investors can break away from the traditional investments offered by Wall Street and explore alternative assets. Joey discuss practical tips for identifying the right investment opportunities, managing risks, and determining your Investor DNA. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just getting started, this podcast will help you think outside the box and discover new investment opportunities beyond Wall Street.

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Ben Fraser: Hello, Future Billionaires! Welcome back to the podcast. We’ve got a really fun episode for you today. We interviewed Joey Mure of Wealth Without Wall Street, and if you’ve been in the alternative investing space for any length of time, you’ve probably seen these guys. They have a great podcast, great education platform, teaching people about alternative investings and investing approach that’s outside of Wall Street, right?

And we, that’s our whole mantra here on this podcast. And so it was really fun to talk with him and really understand. What are the goals as an investor and how do you approach investing? We all know we can find deals on Facebook and from a friend or wherever, but how do you actually know if it’s the right deal for you?

And they’ve created this whole program called The Investor DNA. To really help you understand if the deals you’re investing in actually fit your goals and who you are. So Bob, did you enjoy the interview? I thought it was pretty fun. It was awesome. 

Bob Fraser: I love the whole focus on accredited and this whole investor DNA n a idea.

Very interesting. Yeah. 

Ben Fraser: So tune in and if you are enjoying the show, we always appreciate you leaving. Hey, review and sharing it with a friend and appreciate you guys so much for listening. Enjoy. This is the Invest Like a Billionaire podcast, where we uncover the alternative investments and strategies that billionaires use to grow wealth.

The tools and tactics you’ll learn from this podcast will make you a better investor and help you build legacy wealth. Join us as we dive into the world of alternative investments. Uncover strategies of the ultra wealthy, discuss economics. An interview, successful investors

looking for passive investments done for you. With Aspen funds, we help accredited investors that are looking for higher yields and diversification from the stock market. As a passive investor, we do all the work for you, making sure your money is working hard for you in alternative investments. In fact, our team invests alongside you in every deal, so our interests are aligned.

We focus on macro driven alternative investments. So your portfolio is best positioned for this economic environment. Get started and download your free economic report today. Hello everybody. Welcome back to another episode of Invest Like a Billionaire Today we’ve got a really fun guest, Joey Mu and we’re super excited to have this conversation.

Joey is one of the founders of Wealth Without Wall Street. And we love the kind of catchy names like Invest Like a Billionaire, wealth Without Wall Street. That’s a, it’s a pretty cool name and definitely aligns with a lot of our thinking, so we’re excited to bring him on. And what they’ve really done at Wealth Without Wall Street is create a community, a tribe of folks that are learning to invest better, to achieve their lifestyle goals and financial freedom faster.

And so Joey, thanks for coming on the show. 

Joey Mure: Oh man it’s absolute pleasure to be with a like-minded tribe of people who are outside of Wall Street. I 

Ben Fraser: love it. Yeah. So talk a little bit about, I tried to do my best to describe what you guys do at Wealth Without Wall Street, and I’ve actually been following you guys for a little while, so I’m somewhat familiar and just really love the education you’re doing because I think it just makes a lot of these things that we talk about in our podcast, like alternative investing and.

These are tax strategies, other things very accessible. Sometimes we can get a little too heady over here and, get a little too big picture. But I think the way you guys break things down in very simple ways is really cool. So talk a little bit about what it is and how did you start this?

What was the impetus to drive you to do this? Yeah. 

Joey Mure: Our goal is to demystify alternatives in the sense that if you’d asked me 15 years ago what people invest in, And this was when I was in the mortgage business, I would’ve been like people can buy real estate. That’s about all I knew, right?

That was either the stock market or real estate. And I was stuck in this corporate kind of ladder growing as a professional and thought, man, this is, I’m buying into this retirement idea. When in actuality I was working 40, 50, 60 hours a week and getting further and further away from the people that I loved and cared for the most.

I always point to this as a picture just because it’s ingrained in my head, but I remember being on vacation with my wife and I have five daughters by the way. And being at the beach and saying, Hey, Guys, you go ahead down to the beach. I just have to make one more phone call for this pre-approval or whatever it may have been, and I’ll meet you down there.

And three hours later, where do you think I was? I was walking down that boardwalk and my wife and kids are walking back into the condo or the house and sat. They’re just shaking their heads in just disappointment. The dad’s on vacation with them, but he’s not present. And it started to click with me that the real objective was not more income, it was not more assets, it was cash flow that I didn’t have to work for.

I needed passive income that would allow me to then dictate what my calendar and my time look like. And that’s really where this whole idea of wealth to that Wall Street came from. It’s not that we just wanna beat up on Wall Street, we’re wanna beat up on the idea. That Wall Street predicates, and that’s that you give up your time and your money for the vast majority of your life and hope that there’s enough leftover to just live the last of your days.

Ben Fraser: Yeah, that makes so much sense. We’ve, we talk a lot about alternative investing, right? And a different approach to investing in so many people. Just assume. I gotta put money into 401k. Maybe I get my employer match, and I don’t think about it. I don’t look at it until I’m, 62 and a half and then hopefully I have enough to retire.

That’s the traditional approach. But you feel disconnected. You don’t feel like you have a handle on an ability to, hit the goals you wanna hit. You don’t have any control over it. And you’re just a slave to whatever that, mutual fund that you’re in is doing.

And taking a different approach and there’s lots of different ways to do it, right? But there’s like taking a step outside of the traditional thought process and traditional kind of mechanisms that are created here. So what was your path to that? What was, is it buying rentals?

What, how’d you get to, that place where you could have enough passive cash flow to, to 

Joey Mure: leave? I’ll say this, I didn’t leave because of the passive income. I left in the hope that I could share with others what I was learning and that, that may sound a little backwards to you, but I was, I had been introduced to this idea of infinite banking, and I know you and I have talked about the fact that you, that’s something that you’ve done as well.

But it was a new idea to me to put money into my access and my control. Everything I had done before that was 401ks, IRAs, 5 29 plans, all the traditional alphabet soup that exists. And it left me feeling broke. No access to capital. So if you came to me, Ben, and you said, man, I’ve got this great opportunity, this real estate deal that I’m raising capital for.

I’d be like, man, this sounds great for somebody else. Like it’s not me. And. Simultaneously I had hundreds of thousands of dollars that I had put away that I couldn’t use to get involved in things that maybe I would have wanted to be a part of. And so I started this idea of infinite banking, started putting large amounts of capital away in places where I could own and control it.

And then it dawned on me like, man, this is a path to freedom. I didn’t have exactly what the passive of income ideas were gonna be yet, but I had. Access to cash. And that’s what really got me fired up. And I said, I’m gonna leave this career. I had built over 11 years of making well over $300,000 a year and go and teach people this piece of it.

And from that it’s amazing. Once you have capital in your possession, is what I was telling you previously, Ben. It’s almost like burning a hole in your wallet. What do I do with it? Like, how can I get this at work? And so Russ, my business partner and I started the wealth of that Wall Street podcast to start interviewing passive income experts to say, what do we do with this capital that we have?

And as we started to determine those things, not perfectly by the way we decided these are some places we can start putting money at work. And we went from, We literally started tracking this in June of 2020, of 2000, $2,500 between the two of us monthly passive income to now we, and we’ve reported this every single month, over 50,000 a month, and it was just because we got laser focused on and passive income is that true end result and how can we be most efficient to put our capital work to get there?

Ben Fraser: Yeah, that’s so cool. Talk a little bit about this concept of an investor DNA, n a. So we talked about this a little bit before, and I love this because we have a lot of, listeners in our podcast. And I would say generally they’re gonna be a little farther along in their journey. They’ve, maybe made some money, maybe they have sold a business or they’ve accumulated some wealth, but they’re really struggling with.

How do I invest it? That’s the bigger problem, right? Is you know, financial freedom. I know we have folks that is the goal and to how do you accelerate that, that path to get the financial freedom. But talk a little bit about, for investors that are just feel stuck, right? One, maybe they’re worried about, the economy and in potential recession right now and two maybe.

They just don’t know how to understand and do the due diligence on these types of deals. Like what do you talk about this concept of investor DNA A and break that down. 

Joey Mure: This is a great point that you’re bringing up because it’s so often I hear when people hear the name Wealth Without Wall Street, they say, so what do you invest it?

It’s like the immediate next question, right? If you don’t invest in Wall Street which is a natural question. I get it. I get it. But the bigger question isn’t, what’s the investment? I always ask them, what sort of investor are you? And nobody I shouldn’t say nobody. Very few people know how to answer that, right?

And very few people have actually thought about what is the end goal for this investment? What do they think They, they look at what’s the r o roi? Because what has Wall Street taught us to do? Look at a prospectus and see what’s the historical, return on this x, y, Z fund or whatever it may be.

Oh, that one has a higher number. I guess I’ll invest in that. That’s literally what we’ve boiled down our investment, brings to look at one number. And by the way, being in the banking industry, you probably can appreciate this Ben, but interest rate is a distraction. It’s what we’ve been told to look at.

But what’s more important, the terms, right? The overall comprehensive picture. There’s a whole story to be told. It’s not just the interest rate, which is just the same as for you as an investor. You should not just be investing because, oh, Ben or Bob say this is, has a good interest or good return.

It’s which one of these investments is actually am I aligned with. And as Certain syndications have certain goals, right? Some of them have, Hey, I’m on the the hook for this money for maybe two or three years, but there’s a big potential exit. There’s no cash flow with it, but there’s a big exit.

If my main goal is financial freedom today, that’s not a fit for me. No matter how big the end result is. I need cash flow today to obtain my goal. So we actually created, A profile, we call it the investor DNA that really mimics the DISC profile. Are you guys familiar with that? 

Ben Fraser: I am, but for listeners that aren’t, can you break it down for us real 

Joey Mure: quick?

So the disk profile is just d I S C. And so just a really gross basic overview. A high D is somebody who is, likes to be in charge. They want to take charge of things. They wanna be front and center. And they’re not gonna just sit back and let things happen.

And a high I is somebody who’s very driven by people and social interaction and they want to be the center of attention, that, that sort of thing. A high s would be somebody who’s very steady, loyal, loves to be behind the scenes, doesn’t really want conflict or anything like that. And in the High Sea, Somebody’s somewhat analytical.

They’re gonna think first and speak second, they’re going to really analyze things down to the nth degree, but they want steadiness, they want kind of consistency. Those type of things are God-given traits that you have that should, that do mold the way you look at the world, and they should mold the way you look at certain investments.

And so what we’ve determined. Is it out of, there’s a 10 passive income ideas matrix that we give to people with this investor d n a profile that helps people say what are the pros of short-term rentals? What are the cons of syndications? What are the based based on my disc profile? And people can then use that to filter down to say, These are the top two things I should really be focused on, based on my goals, my objectives, how I actually see the world, and what are the things that I need to consider about this investment before getting 

involved in it.

Ben Fraser: Yeah, no, I love that. I think I heard this phrase the other day where most investors have a sock drawer of investments, right? It’s this kind of smattering and haphazard approach to investing where, oh, I heard about this investment from my buddy over here and I saw this one on a Facebook ad over here.

And I heard about this one in another way. And all of a sudden you have this random assortment of deals that are just kind of stuff in your sock drawer. You don’t really pay attention to ’em. But you thought it was a good idea at the time, but there was no strategy behind it. And to your point a minute ago, okay.

That it could be a good deal. Absolutely. Like this. We. Big believers in development in certain asset classes and markets right now, but a development deal, is very different than like our debt fund, right? Where it’s just passive boring monthly cash flow. But those are two very different things.

And it could be the same investor that kind of has a balanced portfolio, but it could totally be two different investors, And you gotta understand what are your goals? What are you trying to do? Are you trying to maximize tax savings? Are you trying to maximize cashflow? Are you trying to maximize growth?

And are you thinking about this holistically as a portfolio, right? Not just a onesie, twosie, here and there. And so taking a step back, I love that your you first question is what do I invest in? That that’s the second part of the question, right? First you need to understand, what is gonna drive you, what’s gonna be your goals?

So where do you find like the biggest misalignment with investors generally of, aside from just maybe being haphazard about their approach to investing, what do you. Generally find Is it a mismatch of, growth versus income, time horizons or what do you find most investors get 


Joey Mure:

think it’s a little bit of all what you just said, right? And I’ll give you a story, like an example of one of our mastermind members. He came in. And he was exactly what you just explained. He was the sock drawer investor. I love that. I’m gonna start, I’m gonna, is it okay if I steal 

Ben Fraser: that? Hey, I stole from somebody else.

So he was a hundred percent copyrighted. 

Joey Mure: Here’s the thing. He’s a dentist. He’s a very successful dentist, but he is that shiny object guy. Oh, I heard about this on this webinar that my friend invited me to, so I’m gonna invest in it. And I heard about this and he got about all these things.

They’re good things. But when he came to us, he said, my main objective is I love, being an owner of a dental practice, I just don’t wanna be stuck in someone’s mouth. Old I love being outdoors. I’m, like he, if he’s not in somebody’s mouth, he’s not getting paid. And he said, how can I break free of that?

And so when we looked at what he was investing in, we were like none of like half of these things. Have big time horizons or they have big exits, but no cash flow. And what was his need? His need right now over the next, couple years when he wanted to be financially free was cash flow. And so what did he do?

He took that sock drawer and he evened it out. And he said, now that I know where I’m headed, where, you know what’s my destination, I know how to patch. And he starts putting in the right clothes for the destination. And what happened is over about an 18 month timeframe, he actually came back to us.

He said, man, I’m June of this year, so 2023, I’ll be financially free. So I’ve got, I’ve hired a couple of dentists to take over the practice. I’m gonna still maintain ownership of it, but all these other passive income streams that are created by getting really clear. Have now gotten me to the point where my monthly expenses will be exceeded by that and I can step away and I can start doing things.

And he said, now my biggest challenge is I don’t know what I’m gonna do with my time. It’s like he had turned off that, that dream function of what would I do if I wasn’t stuck in someone’s mouth, doing this dental work. And it’s been really fun to, to work with him to say. And let’s talk about your passions and what would you be doing with your time.

So anyways, I don’t know if that directly answered the question, but it is a mixture of all those things. Are they putting money in just because they got invited to it. They don’t really consider the goal of the syndicate or of the fund that they’re involved in. They have, it really created a portfolio idea, like you said, which is what I love about what you guys do is you’re really creating.

A path to, for people to diversify within just your own umbrella of opportunities, so anyways that’s what I would say. Yeah. It sounds like you 

Bob Fraser: deal with a lot of non-accredited investors and which is a real unique challenge. How do you guide Don Accreditors and, and maybe open up the Infinite banking concept a little bit, cuz we, there’s a lot of folks that are saying, gosh, I so love all this, but I can’t play, I can’t play the game.

And it’s very difficult as a non-accredited investor. 

Joey Mure: Yeah I would agree with you. I think it’s it’s an unfortunate thing that there’s not more opportunity that that people can get involved in some of the other things because there’s people that don’t meet the accredited standard.

That are actually very savvy and they would benefit from, and so what our focus at Wall Street, we have two levels of masterminds for this reason. One is just for credited investors. One is open to any investor. And what we’ve been trying to do is curate opportunities that would allow people to invest even as non-accredited.

But the most. The biggest opportunity we see for people that are not accredited is to create some form of a side hustle that they could eventually build with the end in mind that they ha they can put an operator in place. For instance, I’ll give you example. Building their own short-term rental empire, right?

Buying short term rentals and or using rental arbitrage as like their, the, maybe their way to get started. And eventually they can actually, if they get those up and running, they can actually hire management companies now that exist to run those for them. And there’s enough juice typically in that model.

Usually $800 per bedroom per month is what the models that we’ve seen more, more often than not. If you can still, if you can get a management company in there, you may still be able to net $500 a month per bedroom. That’s a really strong ROI for very, typically not very much of an investment to begin with.

We have a lot of people that do land investing. They go and they buy raw land. They flip it for retail prices, and they make the difference on owner finance notes. So they tip, they realistically become the bank. And what they’ve done in that model is they, it does take some nights and weekends to begin with.

But eventually they can hire virtual assistants at virtually every step of that process to where they can exit their nine to five and be working 10 hours a week to manage a business like that versus the 40, 50, 60 hours that they’re doing in their W2 and they own nothing. So those are two examples, but we’ve also curated a number of different syndicators within our mastermind.

That are open to working with non-accredited investors. And so that gives that person that needs to be completely passive and opportunity. 

Ben Fraser: Yeah. Very cool. So a lot of times if you’re not accredited, you may have to be a little more active, but, and if you are able to, work for, how the end in mind, like you said, and for a couple years maybe I’m gonna, I’m gonna do this, spend 10 hours a week and that’s pretty realistic to be able to do, Airbnbs and other things on the side to.

Get to a point whether your net worth your income exceeds those levels, and then maybe transition to a passive, portfolio. But to your point earlier, maybe that’s not what they wanted. Maybe they wanna stay active, maybe they end up liking it. Maybe being in the, in charge to your point and want to own their own portfolio anyway.

And again, going back to fitting, the investor’s 

Joey Mure: goals 100%. Yeah. I think. The beautiful thing about this whole process is nobody is exactly the same. And so I started to tell you my story. My story isn’t the path that everybody takes, but there’s certain components of it that we’ve built into our process when people work with us that they can take the fast track cuz I meandered like this.

And tried to figure it out and it took a l it took a lot longer. It took, roughly 12 years. But we are seeing people doing it in 24 months or less. 36 months now. And that’s because they now have the shortcut. They’re borrowing my experience and our experience to say, how can I get there faster?

And that’s why we develop things like the investor DNA because. I invested in the things that were not good for me. I learned, oh, wait a minute, slap my hand. I should not buy a drop shipping company like a hundred I’m just saying, just in case you’re wondering, I bought one cuz I have five daughters.

And I thought, oh, this would be how I teach my daughters business. They’ll be interested in unicorn, so I’ll buy this drop shipping business. And by the way, I suck at operating. Drop shipping business. So it does no business, it makes no money, and I’m stuck with it. But I learned that in implemented that into the investor DNA to say let’s rethink what’s the end goal here?

Ben Fraser: Yeah. It goes back to the shiny object syndrome, right? You have, in drop shipping, maybe it works for some people, but it seemed like it had its heyday probably 10 years ago. And then as the market has normalized or become a cr more. Competitive. It’s more difficult to do it.

And yeah it’s the, those guys on YouTube ads keep saying it’s the best thing, since sliced bread. But it’s interesting going back to kinda some of the earlier thoughts that you’re sharing in what I find in talking with investors is it’s really a passive approach to their wealth.

And the whole system of Wall Street and just stuffing money to 401k. It doesn’t give people the mindset or support the mindset to take control of their money and to take it by, by the reins. And make it work for you. And so many times people are working like you’re saying 50, 60, 70, 80 hours a week trying to earn income, but they’re not thinking or devoting as much brain space to how do I make my.

Wealth, my income work for me, and come back in a positive way. And so I think a lot of the challenge, a lot of the reason for this kind of haphazard approach or the shiny object approach is we’ve been conditioned to just, if someone says it’s good, then it’s good.

But it’s not taking it an active, intentional, disciplined approach with how you’re doing it. And we’ve worked with investors that are very disciplined in that. And it. Makes sense. And you can see the fruit of that because they’re hitting their goals and they’re very, specific about what they want and what they’re looking for and what they’re trying to achieve.

And it, it makes all the difference, like you’re saying, you can shortcut from a 12 year journey to a two year journey. That’s a big if time is your goal, right? If time is the ultimate reward, getting your time back, then that matters. 

Joey Mure: And I would add this because you said something earlier that I would, I was like, I need to come back to this and make sure I bust up on this.

If you are getting an ad on Facebook about an alternative investment, and that’s your strategy to build your portfolio, you’re in the wrong place. Okay? Just, I’m just telling you that this is not gonna end well. But the people who are most confident are the people that have actually invested in themselves to become a better investor.

And that’s the part that I think Wall Street has done a ridiculously good job of marketing is they’ve condi, they’ve tried to convince you that you can’t do this on your own. Yep. A hundred percent. And that someone else needs to manage this for you. So you need to abdicate all of the responsibility, all the education, and just hand it over to somebody.

And that is the biggest lie that anybody can live. I lived it. I was that guy, right? So I can speak from experience, but once you start getting around other investors, and again, we created masterminds, not because we we pretend to be the experts, it’s that we need to be surrounded by people who are experts and who are really good investors.

Because when someone comes in and pitches you a deal, if you’re surrounded by 50 other investors, Who can say, Hey, this ranks a six out of 10 for me because of this, and this. I immediately just invested in myself. I immediately just borrowed that person’s experience, their perspective. All those things make me just level up as an investor, and it’s not hard, but if you try to do it alone, it’s impossible, right?

You’re going to just meander your way through and Yeah I just want to encourage you, if that’s somewhere you feel weak, right? I don’t feel like I know what to invest in. I don’t, I feel like I’m gonna make mistakes, whatever. Then the issue isn’t, I just need to keep putting money on Wall Street because they know better than me.

It’s, I need to take a step back and actually invest in myself and whether I don’t care where it is, but some mastermind, some group of investors that’s more savvy than you, you gotta get in those rooms. Hey 


Bob Fraser: You as a mortgage guy how much time did you invest in developing your career, right?

How many conferences did you go to? How many books did you read? How many networking events did you attend, marketing programs did you sign up for? And the whole point is to become really good at selling mortgages, right? And most people, are on the career track and they’re investing enormous amounts of time and energy to do that.

But then the fruit of that is presumably some financial dependence. You start to get a little nut, a little bit of wealth accumulated, and then it’s throw that over to someone else and entrust someone else with all the fruits of your labor. And if you’ve like me, you’ve gone through crashes. I went through the crash where.

Amazon lost 95% of its value. How do you recover from that? So you’re entrusting yourself to this incredibly volatile machine, all the fruits of your labor. And here’s what I tell people. Take a fraction of the energy that you put into developing your career and putting it into managing your money.

Learn how to manage your money and learning how, learn how to take control. So get a book on it, join a mastermind, hang out with other investors and develop the ability to manage the fruits of your effort too. I find people that will devote, 50-60 hours a week to their career devote zero to developing their money.

And the truth is money is more powerful. Your career gets you started. But being a successful investor take takes you much further and, you start to get great opportunities. You can accumulate massive amounts of wealth. It’s really a lot. It’s a great career as you’ve, as you’re pointing out, a 

Joey Mure: hundred percent.

And I would add to it, one of the biggest components is you can educate yourself, right? On the black and white books, podcasts like this. Those are good things. But what I also find is the less encouraged or the least focused on aspect of investing is relationships, right?

The relationships like the fact that Bob, you and I met at the real estate Guys conference recently. Those are relationships, right? When you have operators are not investments. They are people. They are. You are. Anytime you’re putting your money in an investment in syndication, it is not about that asset.

It is about that operator and what’s their track record and what’s their ability to produce on what they say they’re gonna do. Relationships are the biggest opportunity to grow as an investor, and it just doesn’t come in a vacuum. You have to be around people who know people because that is where, your true wealth will take off.

And again, if you’re looking at your mutual fund right now and you can’t tell me the name of the people involved in that mutual fund, which you can’t, I can go ahead and tell you, there’s no way you might know the one fund manager name because it was on the prospectus at one point, but all the companies involved in it.

I can tell you, that’s why you’re the last one to be paid in the transaction and the one that’s most susceptible to loss. So that’s 

Bob Fraser: so true. The I come from the venture capital world, right? I had a venture capitalized company, and the venture capitalist said this, the key to investing successful venture capitalists, you bet on the jockey, not on the horse.

And it was like that, that a guy that had the right chip set, they’re gonna bet on that guy. And even if he’s got the stinkiest idea he’s gonna adapt the idea. He’s gonna morph it, he’s gonna fight it out. He’s gonna win because that’s what he does, right? Then the guy, you got another guy that could have the best idea, you’re the best horse, so to speak.

Looks, sounds so good, but he’s just not the guy that can execute. And he is not the guy that can make things happen, convince people to do stuff for him, and investors and bankers and customers on vendors, and so there, so it’s really what you said, and, and the key is relationships.

It’s finding those guys that are successful and jumping on with ’em. It’s definitely right. Definitely the right way to go, not just the latest sexiest 

Ben Fraser: idea. I think so much too about, how do we shortcut the path, right? Because so many people they don’t want to go make the mistakes and so maybe they just never do it.

Maybe they never educate themselves cuz they just don’t think they can and they’re worried about the taking the risks and the mistakes. But if you can shortcut right? Education, reading the books, let’s listen to the podcast. These are very important and. Invaluable tools, right? Some of the wisdom that’s been passed down to some of these books that you can read for $10 is worth millions and millions of dollars.

But in addition to that, getting around people that are maybe a few steps ahead of you, right? And they’ve actually made a few of those mistakes. They have a few bumps and scars to prove it. You’re gonna learn so much by. Hearing the stories and seeing what they’re doing, and it’s gonna really illuminate the path for you.

And I, I think to your point, relationships are such a key part of this because, really, I’ve only been doing this a couple years, but it’s not. Uncommon, and it’s not weird anymore to talk about what are you investing in, right? Because it used to be taboo to talk about finances and talk about these kind of things, and it was, you have to put on the show of what you’re doing, but it’s, you can have these discussions with people and see what’s going on and see what’s working.

So I, I love that. So those are wrapping up here. What’s the best way for folks to get more familiarized with wealth without Wall Street and some of these communities that you guys are dealing with? The masterminds and educational kind of stuff? 

Joey Mure: I’m happy to connect We, we at, we have a podcast both without Wall Street Podcast.

If you love podcasts, we love to, to have you come over and hang out with us for some time. The the other thing I’ll just create a webpage wealth without wall, like a billionaire. And on there, there’s a free quiz just to see where you’re at in terms of your financial freedom journey.

You can book a call with one of our coaches and just get to know ways that you could get plugged into one of our masterminds or walk through the process. And then lastly, if you do want to just apply strictly for one of our masterminds, we have a link there as well if you’re interested. The big key I’ll just end on is, there’s always a cost to everything.

And when it comes to this idea of financial freedom, or even for the people that have created their own level of independence, but they now have capital that they don’t know what to do with, there’s always a cost. It’s either a cost in getting in the rooms and getting the access to the resources that are gonna make you successful, or there’s a cost.

In time that I didn’t take action because I was scared, because I didn’t know where to put it. I didn’t put it in the right place. And so I take a step backwards, like there’s always a cost and yeah, just hopefully you’re investing like a billionaire. You’re paying for paying for access first because that’s where you save the most money.


Ben Fraser: Joy, thanks so much for coming on and sharing your story and what you guys are doing. Love it. And like you said, it’s fun to connect with people that are like-minded and on this journey together. So thanks so much for coming on.

Joey Mure: It’s a privilege. Thank you.

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