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Economic Forecast 2021 – Part 2/6 – COVID19 Recovery

In this 2021 economic forecast, we’re looking at the major trends and tides that are affecting our economy and our investment world. In part one, I shared about the general economy and what’s happening. And in this part, we’re going to look at the coming COVID recovery and what’s likely to happen for our economy...

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Economic Forecast 2021 - Part 1/6 - Economic Outlook Overview

Periodically, Aspen Funds will publish a new economic forecast report focused on macro-economic trends. Aspen Co-Founder and CFO, Bob Fraser, has written economic newsletters for many years, and is a well-respected authority, having helped thousands navigate through the changing economic cycles. He has an impressive track record forecasting trends related to real estate, currencies, commodities...

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5 Things to Financially Prepare for Year-End

We’re coming up on that point in the year when most people start thinking about finances, estimating how much income you’ll earn, evaluating how your investments are performing, and how it all will impact your taxes. It’s a great time to start preparing for the coming year. And this year is special. In even the...

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How the Aspen Income Fund is Performing During This Crisis

We have been asked a lot recently by current and potential investors about how our funds are weathering the pandemic and whether there is any cause for concern given current economic circumstances. Very simply, our funds continue to perform well, and we have every expectation for them to continue to do so. Our monthly preferred...

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Inverted Yield Curve - 2020 Economic Forecast - Part 4

Note: We have a more recent economic forecast for 2021 that can be found here. Happy New Year! Hopefully, you’ve been enjoying the past articles on the economy and stock market valuations as we head in 2020, and have found some insights valuable. This will be the fourth article in our 5-part series. If you...

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Stock Market Forecast 2020 - Economic Forecast - Part 3

Note: We have a more recent economic forecast for 2021 that can be found here. In the last two sections of our economic analysis, we covered several of the key fundamental drivers of the economy and the direction of these “tides.” If you missed either of the last two articles, you can read them here:  2020...

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