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Passive Real Estate Investing Strategies – The Complete Guide

Billionaire Andrew Carnegie was once quoted saying that “90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined.” I don’t know if that number is true, but it’s undeniable that real estate has been a consistent place for long-term wealth creation....

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Is Now the Right Time to Pull Equity Out of Your Home?

This article was originally published on With housing prices having just finished their eighth consecutive year of strong gains, you may be sitting on a good amount of equity in your home. Sitting on that equity can feel great. But is it the smart choice? Or, does it make sense to take advantage of...

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Economic Forecast 2021 - Part 6/6 - Aspen Funds

The 6th and final part of this series on the economy in 2021 takes a look at Aspen Funds. This part covers the fund strategies, performance throughout 2020 and the COVID crisis, and positioning moving into next year. See below for parts 1-5 of this economic series. Aspen RPN Strategy - Income Fund  In...

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Economic Forecast 2021 - Part 5/6 - Where the Stock Market is Headed

UPDATE: To see more recent economic forecasts, check out the summer 2021 Housing Market Projections update and the Inflation economic impact update. Part 5 of our series on 2021 economic predictions covers the stock market. Topics include the business valuations in the S&P 500, P/E ratios and subsequent historical and projected earnings, and our predictions...

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Economic Forecast 2021 - Part 4/6 - Where the Housing Market is Headed

Part 4 of our series on economic predictions in 2021 will cover real estate, including trends in urban flight, single family housing, mortgage delinquencies, housing prices, and details on whether or not there's a housing bubble. Economic Tides vs Waves One of the things I realized decades ago, was that when the tides come...

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Economic Forecast 2021 - Part 3/6 - How the Biden Tax Plan and Fiscal Policy Will Impact the US Economy in 2021

Part 3 of our 2021 economic forecast will examine Biden's proposed tax plan and it's effect on the US economy, including an overview of the proposed changes and their impact on investments and asset prices, as well as minimum wage increases and unemployment rates, and post-crisis stimulus and recovery. And in case you missed them,...

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